I read quite a bit and I love quotes or pithy comments that are able to convey a far reaching meaning, thought, or “knowing”.
When my oldest daughter was in boot camp I would write her daily and send a “Thought for the day.” She didn’t seem to thrilled or inspired, but she did tell me that several other young ladies in her training looked forward to HER letters from her mom, just for the “thought of the day.” Remembering this makes me smile as much today as it did then.
I recently read a book, (I think it was Eckhart Tolle’s- “A New Earth”) but I can’t say for sure if that was the one or not, but what I do remember is a quote that has stayed with me. I am going to share that quote with you all now and hope that it produces a thought of understanding and peace for you as you go about your day.
“In Life sometimes you’re the dance and other times you’re the dancer.”
So no matter which you are today the dance or the dancer do it well. Life is good. Have a Splendid and blessed day.
Take time to be thankful for all you take for granted.
With Love
Restless Raven
When my oldest daughter was in boot camp I would write her daily and send a “Thought for the day.” She didn’t seem to thrilled or inspired, but she did tell me that several other young ladies in her training looked forward to HER letters from her mom, just for the “thought of the day.” Remembering this makes me smile as much today as it did then.
I recently read a book, (I think it was Eckhart Tolle’s- “A New Earth”) but I can’t say for sure if that was the one or not, but what I do remember is a quote that has stayed with me. I am going to share that quote with you all now and hope that it produces a thought of understanding and peace for you as you go about your day.
“In Life sometimes you’re the dance and other times you’re the dancer.”
So no matter which you are today the dance or the dancer do it well. Life is good. Have a Splendid and blessed day.
Take time to be thankful for all you take for granted.
With Love
Restless Raven
I still Love this quotation. I think often when I'm having a less than stellar day. What am I today the Dance or the Dancer. I find for myself i usually am the Dancer. I feel the vibration and my sway or swing interprets the meaning for me through my natural movement to the music or vibration of that moment.
I have another blog on WordPress. www.Lady-Bird.blog I will try to incorporate both blogs. Not sure which site I like better at this time. I started this site 16 years ago, I still love my pseudonym Restless Raven a lot.
It does apply to me and Ravens still make me pause and look internally for a moment.
Not sure which Site should be my default site.
Weigh in with your opinion. What site do you prefer? What blog do you find most interesting?
Which Blog Name?
Restless Raven [ ]
Ladybird [ ]
Blog Title:
517LadyBird (Lady-bird.blog) [ ]
Perspectives (blogger.com) [ ]