It was one of those nights when I woke early (2:30am). Instead of lying in bed awake I got up let the dog out, made some coffee checked the weather channel, when I decided I should channel surf. I happened upon the SUNDANCE CHANNEL. What a neat channel to find. Well, anyway the program they were airing was spotlighting a particular company in St. Louis, MO by the name of Monsanto. Monsanto is a company that is known for “GM” genetically modifying crop seeds. The company is known as a GREEN company that engineers biogenetic seeds under the pretense of feeding the world. If you had watched the program and heard the farmers you would understand without an iota of doubt that the only thing Monsanto is feeding is their own greed and legally getting away with it.
Strike (1) How can this company GENETICALLY MODIFIY seeds and call them NATURAL.
Strike (2) They obtained a legal patent.
Strike (3) Seeds germinate or pollinate naturally when planted so farmers who don’t buy these seeds have their crop contaminated with the GM seeds
Strike (4) Monsanto sends “employees” legally to farmers land and crops and have their silos and crops tested for “GM” qualities sues the farmers for their farms and everything else because they have a patent on the GM seeds.
Strike (5) Most farms are in the family for several generations .They stand a good chance of losing the Family Farm. The Indiana Farmers talking to the reporter, their farms go back 5 generations and now Monsanto is trying to steal it from them.
Strike (6) The Monsanto employees encourage other farmers to “turn” their neighbors in so they can legally check farms for patented seed growth and sue. So now they are advocating turning neighbor against neighbor.
Strike (7) The Company is widely International. I will elaborate on this strike a little in hope that I can explain what is occurring. I will focus on two countries India and Mexico. India is known for cotton the GM seeds have a lower crop rate and the seeds are costly to the poor farmers if Monsanto nets 40-60% of the profit if there is a real bad year
The farmers lose big. The rate of suicide among these poor farmers is doubled. Mexico again a poorer country known for their native corn and family business now have to either buy the seeds or face the pollination problems with their native crops, and also be subject to litigation because of the patented seeds. The difference in the GM produce and the native produce is quite noticeable in the size of kernels and smell and market value. I can’t speak on taste but I am sure that the true natural seed is best. The local farmers in Mexico are fighting a losing battle with the pollination and no one cares.
It is hard for me to believe that our government would give a patent for seeds to grow food. I thought it is mans given right to feed his family, not anymore now we are in jeopardy of having ONE corporation and ONE man own the food industry worldwide. Now that is control we can do without. Makes the Bill Gates monopoly look like silliness doesn’t it, but then again Mr. Gates didn’t have an army of lobbyists in Washington. I think we need to stop this madness and boycott Monsanto and tell the government to use common sense and repel these patents. It is mans right and duty to feed himself and his family. I also would like to have my choice of whether or not to EAT GM produce. I really don’t want to and I don’t appreciate being force feed products that I don’t choose. Now I know that Monsanto has some really clever people working for their interests just don’t be fooled the “scientists” they had claiming superior products has been linked back to the company with vested interest and iffy credentials.
Strike (1) How can this company GENETICALLY MODIFIY seeds and call them NATURAL.
Strike (2) They obtained a legal patent.
Strike (3) Seeds germinate or pollinate naturally when planted so farmers who don’t buy these seeds have their crop contaminated with the GM seeds
Strike (4) Monsanto sends “employees” legally to farmers land and crops and have their silos and crops tested for “GM” qualities sues the farmers for their farms and everything else because they have a patent on the GM seeds.
Strike (5) Most farms are in the family for several generations .They stand a good chance of losing the Family Farm. The Indiana Farmers talking to the reporter, their farms go back 5 generations and now Monsanto is trying to steal it from them.
Strike (6) The Monsanto employees encourage other farmers to “turn” their neighbors in so they can legally check farms for patented seed growth and sue. So now they are advocating turning neighbor against neighbor.
Strike (7) The Company is widely International. I will elaborate on this strike a little in hope that I can explain what is occurring. I will focus on two countries India and Mexico. India is known for cotton the GM seeds have a lower crop rate and the seeds are costly to the poor farmers if Monsanto nets 40-60% of the profit if there is a real bad year
The farmers lose big. The rate of suicide among these poor farmers is doubled. Mexico again a poorer country known for their native corn and family business now have to either buy the seeds or face the pollination problems with their native crops, and also be subject to litigation because of the patented seeds. The difference in the GM produce and the native produce is quite noticeable in the size of kernels and smell and market value. I can’t speak on taste but I am sure that the true natural seed is best. The local farmers in Mexico are fighting a losing battle with the pollination and no one cares.
It is hard for me to believe that our government would give a patent for seeds to grow food. I thought it is mans given right to feed his family, not anymore now we are in jeopardy of having ONE corporation and ONE man own the food industry worldwide. Now that is control we can do without. Makes the Bill Gates monopoly look like silliness doesn’t it, but then again Mr. Gates didn’t have an army of lobbyists in Washington. I think we need to stop this madness and boycott Monsanto and tell the government to use common sense and repel these patents. It is mans right and duty to feed himself and his family. I also would like to have my choice of whether or not to EAT GM produce. I really don’t want to and I don’t appreciate being force feed products that I don’t choose. Now I know that Monsanto has some really clever people working for their interests just don’t be fooled the “scientists” they had claiming superior products has been linked back to the company with vested interest and iffy credentials.